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No Classes for Now...

Since we do not have a workshop, we do not have a place to hold our classes. Thank you for your patience while we find a new location. Our Instructors are as excited about finding a place as you are about taking a class.

Class size is limited.
Early registration with instructor is encouraged to guarantee your spot.
Beginner Wire Wrapping Class

Cost: materials included.
Class size is limited to 6

Let's wrap a stone!
We will be using silver filled wire to capture a stone. Materials are provided but if you have a stone you'd like to wrap, bring it along. If you have tools bring them to class and we'll make sure you have what you need to continue. I have tools to use in class for those who don't.
It's a fun, sometimes frustrating class, but so far, everyone has sucessfully completed a pendant.

Call Jolene to sign up 707- 849-9551

Some of our exciting classes.:

Class Information

Can A Non-Member of SRMGS Take A Class?
Yes! We welcome SRMGS members, friends and anyone with an interest to join us for one of our classes.

How Do I Register For A Class?
If the instructor's contact information is provided, we ask that you contact them directly for additional class information. A non-refundable deposit of 25% is required to reserve your spot in the class.

Where Are The Classes Located?

What's the Deal With The Class Fees?
Class fees are based upon $10 an hour for class instruction by talented local artists. Small class sizes are provided to ensure each student gets the individual help needed. 20% of the class fees go to SRMGS. Class fees are due by the first day of instruction.

Do I Have To Pay A Materials Fee?
Unless you already have confirmed with the instructor that you have all the materials required for the class, you will need to pay the additional materials fee.

Share your talent & teach a class
Contact Jolene

Last Updated: 3/6/25
© 2007-2025
Santa Rosa Mineral and Gem Society
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