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October 18-19, 2025

Join us for our 48th Annual Gem & Mineral Show!

Again in 2025

We will have our second room at the show.

This means more vendors with more goodies to peruse and purchase.
We will be moving things around a bit this year.
Most of the club tables will be in the second room.
The Kids area, Wheel of Rock and more displays will be in the 'New' Room.

The Kids Corner will have our tried and true activities like making jewelry and decorating rocks...with a twist on that one this year.
We will also have 'Fossil' making and our popular rock collection kits.
This is in addition to the fun Pet Rock area and Bracelet Making Station ... All for $5.00

Vendor List

As we get Vendors signed up for the show, they will appear here
That way, you can plan to visit your favorite vendors first.
This list will continue to grow as we get closer to the show. Check back to see new vendors added.

They will eagerly be awaiting your arrival!


We are holding meetings and making plans for this years show. Contracts are going out to Vendors and we are getting excited to welcome YOU to the show!

For over 48 years the Santa Rosa Mineral & Gem Society has been a local group of 100+ dedicated rockhounds, mineral collectors, and lapidary artists. Every year we put on a big Show! We invite dealers from all over California, Nevada and Oregon. We have games and crafts for the kids, 2 fun Silent Auctions, member display cases, special exhibits (fluorescent rocks this year), rock identification, plus lots more.

Join us at the
Santa Rosa Vets Building

-- Free Parking -- Kids under 12 Free --
$8 regular admission ($7 with coupon)

Our Show is for rockhounds, collectors, artists, and the just plain curious. If you found a rock and you're wondering what it might be, bring it along and let us try to ID it. If you have a pretty stone you think might look nice as a pendant, bring it and ask one of our vendors or member artists for ideas. If you think you might like to join our club, we'll have information, applications, and will answer any questions you might have.

Print your $1 OFF Coupon HERE
If you're interested in being a vendor
for next year's Show
Please contact Victoria,
our Show Co-coordinator at:

Last Updated: 3/6/25
© 2007-2025
Santa Rosa Mineral and Gem Society
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