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Santa Rosa Mineral And Gem Society, INC
Monthly Meeting Schedules
General Education Meeting

First Wednedsay of each month.

Visitors are welcome.
Map to our General Meeting Location
Franklin Park Clubhouse
2095 Franklin Ave.
Santa Rosa

Upcoming 2025 General Meeting Topics

April Geology of National Parks
Mary Pat and Dick Weber will be our ZOOM guest speakers.

There will be our usual Raffle, Cab of the Month Contest, and new mini-club for Suiseki's

May Club Members Sale
Members will offer their own items for sale to meeting attendees.

If you have a suggestion or know of a person who would be a potential speaker, Contact Cheri

Board of Directors Meeting

Third Wednesday of each month.

The Covid Pandemic is over
but the Board meetings
are still being held via ZOOM.

Contact Steve S. for a meeting invite

A copy of all minutes are located at the SRMGS Storage Unit in our club library.

Thinking of becoming a member? Attend our monthly general education meeting to learn more about the club, ask questions and meet fellow rockhounds.

Last Updated: 3/6/25
© 2007-2025
Santa Rosa Mineral and Gem Society
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